It was the best of times, and the worst of times. So too can the search for quality online sources of education seem. We live in an unprecedented time for quality educational materials available online (many of which are free). Simultaneously, with the huge volume of new educational material published daily, many courses just aren’t “up to snuff.”
To this end, OnlineCourseReport has been monitoring online courses for close to a decade. We’ve detailed many of the rising trends in online education, and have finely honed metrics by which we evaluate new online offerings.
Part of our site’s mission is also to analyze what sort of opportunity is made available by online courses. Do they help to prepare individuals for new careers? How good are online courses compared to traditional education? What are the best free courses available today?
To address this last question, we’ve created a hub for all of our content on free online courses.
In this guide you’ll find:
- The Best Free Online Business Courses
- The Best Free Online Programming Courses
- The Best Free Online IT Courses
- The Best Free Online Foreign Language Courses
- The Best Free Online Writing Courses
- The Best Free Online Humanities Courses
- The Best Free Skill-Based Online Courses
- The Best Free Standardized Test Prep Courses Online
- The Best MOOC Platforms and Providers
- Statistics About Free Online Courses
- Frequently Asked Questions About Free Online Courses
The Best Free Online Business Courses

Free online business courses can be a great way to gain foundational and actionable knowledge of business disciplines without formal education. Free online courses on business include focus areas for those who are already in business or who already hold business degrees, as well as topics for those who are just getting started (or who would like to start their own business).
Compared to other course types online, business courses don’t tend to be as centered around portfolio-building projects. Rather they teach by sharing case studies, they teach by helping you work through your own projects at work or a business you would like to start. Oftentimes, business courses are either theoretical foundations or centered around software that helps with one component of business.
There are free business courses in a wide range of business disciplines. And if you’re seeking a career change or the ability to start your own enterprise it may be worthwhile to first spend some time determining which specific business discipline you may find interesting.
Some of the most common business disciplines include:
- Business administration
- Marketing
- Accounting
- Finance
- Human Resources
- Management
- Data Science and Analytics
When pursuing business courses, there’s also the consideration of what you want to do with your degree. Business, unlike some disciplines, tends to reward educational degrees within the workplace. While you may be seeking a business education to start your own business, if you plan on working for someone else, you my want to try and determine how free online courses can help you prepare for or obtain a degree in business.
Our resources on free online business courses include:
- How to get an MBA With Free Online Courses
- The Best Free Human Resources Courses Online
- DIY Syllabi: Principles of Economics
- Free Community Colleges Offering Online Colleges
- The Best Courses for Youtube Marketing
- The Best Courses for Social Media Marketing
- 5400 Free Online University Courses
- The 50 Most Popular MOOCs of All Time
The Best Free Online Programming Courses

There are many ways to get into programming, from jumping in and getting hands-on experience, to self teaching with free online resources, to pursuing a university degree. You may want to learn to program to work on a personal passion project. Or potentially to switch careers. The good news for learners seeking free resources for learning is that programming-related jobs tend not to require university degrees related to programming. While that’s definitely preferred in some work settings, many locations simply care about your programming skills more than where you went to school.
This is great news for individuals who don’t want to necessarily return to school (or pay for school) but who want to have the chance to join majorly in-demand fields including data science, front end development, back end development, artificial intelligence and machine learning, cyber security, user experience and interface research, and more.
While we’ll tackle this a bit more in our FAQ section below, there’s also the potential for using free online courses to gain university credit. A number of competency-based schools allow for students who can demonstrate master of a subject matter to gain credit. This means you can effectively practice for your degree with free courses and then transfer into a competency-based program.
Our resources on free online programming courses include:
- The Best Online Courses For Learning Cyber Security
- Most Lucrative Skills, Should I Study Machine Learning, Data Science, or Cyber Security
- Choosing a Technology Degree: Computer Science, Information Systems, or IT
- Clone These 15 Portfolio Websites With Online Tutorials
- The Best Courses for Blockchain and Bitcoin Technologies
- DIY Syllabi: Computer Science
- Best Online Courses for Software Development
- Best Online Courses for Tableau
- Best Online Courses for SQL
- Best Online Courses for XML
- Best Online Courses for Web Development
- Best Online Courses for Web Design
- Web Development Learning Pathway
- Graphic Design Learning Pathway
- 5400 Free Online University Courses
The Best Free Online IT Courses

Like programming, information technology (IT for short) is typically a set of fields that can be entered without formal education. Many employers care more about whether individuals can achieve the work in front of them than their credentials. With that said, information technology positions do typically reward the gaining of certifications more than many other careers.
The good news is that you can prepare for information technology certifications through oftentimes free online resources. Additionally, some courses offered are project based which can help you to build up a portfolio of sorts.
While you can begin your study of IT fundamentals as a generalist, many times individuals specialize as they continue on in their IT careers. Many free courses are available for those who wish to be network administrators, cyber security specialists, systems administrators, and more.
Our resources on free online information technology courses include:
- Choosing a Technology Degree: Computer Science, Information Systems, or IT
- The Best Online Courses For Learning Cyber Security
- DIY Syllabi: Computer Science
- Best Online Courses for Tableau
- Best Online Courses for SQL
- Best Online Courses for XML
The Best Free Online Foreign Language Courses

While perhaps the best way to learn a foreign language is in-person or immersion experiences, there are an ever-growing array of gamified and social online language-learning platforms. Many of these services have at least a free tier of service (with some that are entirely free).
Learning languages can be a rewarding and opportunity-generating pursuit. With individuals who know multiple languages in demand in many fields of work. It’s also just much more rewarding to travel abroad when you know the language of the place you’re moving to.
Here at OnlineCourseReport, we’ve covered new online learning trends since the beginning, and few areas of online education have accelerated as quickly or become as innovative as foreign language learning.
Our resources on free online foreign language courses include:
- The 50 Most Popular MOOCs of All Time
- The Best Online Courses for Learning Spanish
- Learning Languages: Reviews of Top Language Learning Apps
- Duolingo: the most popular foreign language learning app
- Babbel: the practical language learning app
- DIY Syllabi: 20th and 21st Century Literature (for ESL)
- DIY Syllabi: Fantasy Literature (for ESL)
- 5400 Free Online Courses From Top Universities
- A Comprehensive Guide to MOOC Providers
The Best Free Online Writing Courses

Writing is a skill that stays with you for life, and can aid you in a myriad of ways personally, professionally, or as a hobby. The craft of writing is employed to a great extent within marketing, journalism, education, and legal professions. Additionally, there have never been more opportunities to create, spread, and monetize your own writing, through a blog, submissions to publications, or self publication.
Online writing resources come in a wide variety of types, from full-blown bootcamps (seldom free) to guides, communities, and MOOCs (almost always free). While many individuals learn a great deal about writing while pursuing a degree in a writing-heavy discipline, courses in marketing, literature, business, creative writing and social sciences can also help you to hone your quill.
Our resources on free online writing courses include:
- The Best Online Courses For Writing
- DIY Syllabi: 20th and 21st Century Literature
- DIY Syllabi: Fantasy Literature
- 10 Ways to Start Your College Career Early With These Courses
- Road Map: How to Change Your Career With Online Courses
- How to Go To Community College Online For Free
The Best Free Online Humanities Courses

The humanities are synonymous with a well educated individual. Learning how to learn, learning how to write, and learning how to speak logically and coherently are at the heart of what the humanities teach us. The humanities are also just filled with some pretty amazingly interesting topics.
So what are the humanities? Humanities include:
- Ancient Languages
- Modern Languages
- Literature
- Philosophy
- Religion
- Archeology
- Anthropology
- Human Geography
- Law
- Politics
- Religion
- And Art
Many of the top universities in the world have made their names by providing the highest quality humanities education. And many of these universities also offer free courses — particularly MOOCs — from world class thinkers. Here are OnlineCourseReport we’ve a great deal of online humanities education and would like to present the following free online course options below:
- The 50 Most Popular MOOCs of All Time
- 5400 Free Online Courses From Top Universities
- A Comprehensive Guide to MOOC Providers
- The Best Online Courses for Learning Spanish
- Learning Languages: Reviews of Top Language Learning Apps
- Duolingo: the most popular foreign language learning app
- Babbel: the practical language learning app
- DIY Syllabi: 20th and 21st Century Literature
- DIY Syllabi: Fantasy Literature
- DIY Syllabi: Modern Political Thought
- DIY Syllabi: Comparative Religion
- 10 Ways to Start Your College Career Early With These Courses
- How to Go To Community College Online For Free
The Best Free Skill-Based Online Courses

Just because you aren’t physically present at the same location a course is being taught doesn’t mean you can’t apply what you’re learning. In fact, many online courses are structured around hands-on results or the learning of practical skills. A subset of these courses are also free. Whether you’re hoping to learn the guitar, yoga, cooking, how to hack, or how to paint, chances are there’s an online course for it.
Skill-based learning is actually available in all sorts of disciplines, including those many think of as primarily theory or book learning driven. Many individuals learn best by gaining hands-on experience and practicing skills, so the mixture between free online courses and skill-based learning is one of the best free learning opportunities for many students.
If you’re looking for hands-on or skill-based free online courses, check out OnlineCourseReport’s resources below:
- Best Online Courses for Cyber Security
- Best Online Courses for Blockchain and Bitcoin Technologies
- Over 1,000 Online Cooking Courses
- Tutorials For Cloning 15 Well-Known Websites
- Web Development Learning Pathway
- Graphic Design Learning Pathway
- The Best Tableau Courses Online
- The Best Software Development Courses Online
- The Best Youtube Courses Online
- The Best Social Media Marketing Courses Online
- The Best Yoga Courses Online
- The Best Writing Courses Online
- The Best Web Development Courses Online
- The Best Web Design Courses Online
The Best Free Standardized Test Prep Courses Online

If there’s one course type that nearly everyone takes and that’s outside of routine study, it’s standardized test prep. For those seeking college or graduate school admissions, standardized test prep has been proven to increase test takers’ average scores dramatically. In these courses you’re likely to not focus so much on learning the raw material covered in standardized tests, but instead to learn tactics that can help you to “play the game” of each standardized test.
If you’re looking for free resources for acing a standardized test in your future, be sure to check out OnlineCourseReport’s offerings on the topic below:
- The Best Resources for Preparing for the SAT Online
- The Best Resources for Preparing for the ACT Online
- The Best Resources for Preparing for the GRE Online
- The Best Resources for Preparing for the LSAT Online
- The Best Resources for Preparing for the GMAT Online
The Best MOOC Platforms and Providers
For some, discerning a quality delivery method and professor may be just as important as discerning what to study. Here at OnlineCourseReport, we’ve covered emerging online education technologies and providers since day one. While it’s clear that not everyone learns the same way, online education options have flourished both in quantity and range of features in recent years.
Some of the coolest features available on select online course and MOOC platforms include:
- Office hours with teaching assistants
- Communities of like minded learners
- The ability to get feedback on work in free courses
- Access to world famous professors and thinkers
- Access to official course materials at top universities
- Gamified platforms
- Sandboxed areas where individuals can practice tech skills
- The ability to turn successful MOOC results into a degree
If any of the above appeals to you as a potential online learner, be sure to check out some of our material on the most innovative MOOCs and online learning platforms below:
- Can I Get A Degree Through MOOCs?
- Which Online Course Platform Should I Use?
- State of the MOOC Report 2017
- State of the MOOC Report 2016
- Interview: Behind the Scenes of the World’s Most Popular MOOC
- The Most Innovative Online Universities
- 30 Online Courses To Mindhack Yourself
- 10 Best Features of Next Generation Learning Platforms
- A Comprehensive Guide to MOOC Providers
- 5400 Free Online Courses From Top Universities
- The 50 Most Popular MOOCs of All Time
Statistics About Free Online Courses
Online education is perhaps the largest expansion of educational opportunity since the GI Bill gave higher education access to millions of Americans for the first time.
While online education isn’t for everyone, millions of satisfied learners have taken online courses, for-credit, not-for-credit, for free, paid, for skills, for certifications, and for interest alone.
Here at OnlineCourseReport we’ve covered nearly every type of online course for the last 5 years. In the process we’ve uncovered (and performed) some amazing research on online education.
Wondering if online education is right for you? Check out some of the following facts:
- The average American spends 51 minutes a day commuting to and from work and/or training
- Micro learning and modularized online learning can increase retention of knowledge by 30%
- 52% of people using mobile learning engage in just a few minutes when they wake up, while 46% use mobile learning for a few minutes before bed
- 77% of educational organizations rate online education as equally effective compared to traditional education
- Distance learning is often cited as a great enabling factor for individuals with sensory or mobility impairments
- Distance learners can be any age. Distance learning is more commonly populated by students of a mixed age range
- If you’re pursuing a degree program, distance learning leads to the exact same degree that can be achieved in person
- Distance learning is cheaper than in-person education, and in many cases free!
Frequently Asked Questions About Free Online Courses
Before you spend your time and effort pursuing a free online course, you may want to know more.
Below we’ll answer some of the most common questions individuals have about free online courses.
Can free online courses gain me college credit?
In some cases, yes. Many community colleges and community college districts offer free online for-credit courses for students who are in-state or in-district. This is one of the most affordable ways to get a head start on your undergraduate studies with nothing down.
That we know of, there are two other ways you can gain college credit through free online courses. Some select colleges offer selections of MOOCs (massive open online courses) that provide an entry point into degree programs for successful students. Oftentimes these arrangements start the degree program with a series of MOOCs. For students who successfuly complete the MOOCs, they have an option to transfer into a degree program with the MOOCs counting as for-credit courses for the initial courses in the degree.
A second way in which individuals can turn free online courses into college credit is by seeking out a college or university that offers credit for proficiency or experience. While this isn’t a sure bet, individuals can gain expertise in subject matter and then “test out” of undergraduate or graduate courses at some institutions. Just make sure you “know your stuff” before banking on this option… but it is possible.
What Types of Free Online Courses Are There?
Free online courses come in almost any variety. In the past section we talked about instances in which free online courses can become for-credit university courses. With that said, that’s relatively uncommon.
The most common formats for free online courses include:
- Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs)
- Free tutorials or collections of resources
- Free courses about a certain technology or career-related technique
- Communities that progress through educational material together
- Some instances of standardized test prep
- Apps for learning skills
Are Free Online Courses High Quality?
As with everything educational, there’s a large range of quality within free online courses. Some are world-changing, and some aren’t that memorable. Some are led by world famous teachers, and others aren’t that informative.
It’s a good idea to look at ratings of online courses before you begin, or look through a service like OnlineCourseReport, where we vet quality courses.
What we can say, generally, is that there are free online courses available from the very best universities in the world as well as from the most forward-thinking and prominent business entities.
Many of the top MOOC platforms partner with the very best universities in the world to offer open education that often mirrors their in-person offerings. In the case of Massachusetts Institute of Technology, their online course offerings include at least some resources for thousands of courses taught exactly as they were in-person.
U.S. News & World Report calculated a mean annual sticker price of $36,801 for private colleges. Public in-state universities are cheaper, but still charge $10,116 on average. Community college costs have even risen 7 percent to $3,660 each year. Expenses like housing, dining, and textbooks make attendance even pricier.
Fortunately, there’s a popular new alternative: free online courses. Massive open online courses (MOOCs) are free, Web-based learning sessions anyone can register for. Most of these courses allow an unlimited number of students from across the globe. Like traditional courses, they’re taught by experienced faculty with a syllabus. MOOCs might involve self-paced learning independently or active user engagement. Assignments and quizzes are often sprinkled into the curriculum to test content mastery. The majority of free online courses last from eight hours to eight weeks. Thousands are offered by colleges or third-party platforms with $0 tuition and fees.
What Can I Study Online for Free?
In 2008, Stephen Downes and George Siemens famously held the first MOOC for more than 2,300 global students. Three years later, Stanford University launched the earliest free online course for around 160,000 people. Since then, the online learning market has exploded with free opportunities.
As of 2019, there were about 13,500 free digital courses available at 900+ providers. Over 110 million individuals have already taken free online courses. Diverse learners from age 13 to 93 have taken advantage of the full spectrum of free massive open online courses.Common course topics include web design, social media marketing, computer science, and cybersecurity. Free MOOCs are offered in virtually every subject from event planning to nutrition, though. For example, Carnegie Mellon has a free and open course titled “Evidence-Based Management.” Duke University uses Coursera for free MOOCs like “Music as Biology” and “Renewable Energy.” Harvard University logs into edX for free self-paced online courses, such as “Using Python for Research.” More online sessions are being created almost daily to learn basically anything.
What are the Pros and Cons of Online Courses?
Free online courses obviously provide the financial benefit of having no costs. Further, they’re extremely flexible with 24/7 Web access. Whether it’s noon or midnight, online learners can complete the coursework. Most don’t have synchronous set meeting times. Students can log into the internet platform anywhere on a mobile device. Imagine listening to lectures on the subway, at the gym, during lunch breaks, or right on the couch.
Tthe variety of MOOCs available online is unparalleled to any one school. Online courses from music production to machine learning and photograph to project management are all in one place. Free online courses also let learners interact with people from diverse backgrounds. Introverts might thrive in an online setting where typing trumps talking. MOOCs can also aid career advancement and fill resume experience gaps. Employers love hiring ambitious workers who take initiative and keep learning.
However, online courses aren’t necessarily for everybody. MOOCs require more self-discipline than regular college lectures. Because it’s easy to get distracted during free online courses, students need to hold themselves accountable instead of counting on teachers to order them around. Staying ultra-focused, especially on complex subjects, takes determination and critical thinking skills are essential to digest the scripted online lectures well.
Knowing how to access eLearning platforms and use software apps is crucial. Online students with subpar tech skills might get lost quickly. And since everything is online, social interaction is limited. Free online courses don’t allow for the same networking as in-person classes as learners only talk with professors and peers through a computer screen.
Who Should Take Online Courses?
Virtual enrollment in online courses is constantly growing. The National Center for Education Statistics reports that 6.7 million students now take at least one online course, which is nearly one-third of all individuals in higher education. Since 2016, the number of online learners has jumped a whopping 31 percent.
Anyone with a fixed budget and busy schedule can benefit from online courses. High school students might want to get ahead before their freshman year of college. Working professionals may strive to change careers or industries while still holding down a full-time position. People not in education, employment, or training (NEET) could jumpstart their careers with free online courses. Entrepreneurs can improve their technology prowess for Quickbooks and UX design with only a few clicks. Grad school applicants could need GMAT or GRE preparation to ace their entrance exams. Senior citizens may want to learn something new like yoga or French. Teachers might sharpen their pedagogical knowledge for new PreK-12 certifications or endorsements. Free online platforms appeal to everyone looking to advance their skills cheaply.
What is Needed to Take Online Courses?
Registering for free online courses doesn’t have the same admission process as college. Thus, students usually don’t need to prove their aptitude. Most MOOCs don’t even require a high school diploma or GED. As the name suggests, massive open online courses have open enrollment. Forget having to meet any degree or GPA requirements. Free online classes are universal without levels, so there won’t be prerequisites either. A Wi-Fi connection and open mind are all that’s required to start. MOOCs can be accessed from desktops, laptops, tablets, and smart phones. Generally, it’s suggested that the computer has an 80 GB hard drive or better. An updated operating system, such as OS 10.6 or later, is recommended. Most free online courses allow Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, or Safari. Having the Microsoft Office Suite can help write up assignments. Downloading Adobe Acrobat Reader is key to open course PDFs. Online courses with conferencing will need a webcam and microphone. Certain subjects mandate added software like Adobe Photoshop for graphic design. Installing secure anti-virus malware protection is smart too.
Are Online Courses Accredited?
Accreditation is an in-depth review process designed to measure academic quality. There are two main types: regional and national accreditation. Free online courses from big-name universities are usually regionally accredited. The U.S. Department of Education recognizes six regional accrediting agencies for superb college assessment standards. National accreditations, such as the Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC), are also approved. Be careful choosing for-credit nationally accredited courses because they’ll be difficult to transfer later.
On the down side, free MOOCs from third-party providers aren’t accredited at all. Massive open online courses on popular platforms like Coursera, FutureLearn, Udacity, edX, and iversity don’t have accreditation. Some only offer verified certificate courses with a small fee.
So, how can learners determine which are high-quality? Good old-fashioned research. Check Better Business Bureau ratings, look for real student testimonials, and use the Online Course Report website to find the best f ree classes from accounting to zoology.
Do Free Online Courses Count?
Some might only take free online courses for dabbling in game design or learning Korean. Others may want to receive college credits for their online work. Sadly, most MOOCs are non-credit courses. This means that they won’t count toward a degree. They’re intended more for skill development and career advancement than transfer credits.
Yet, there are some exceptions that are credit-bearing. In 2015, MIT began America’s first free for-credit online classes. Some entire MOOC-based degrees in business, IT, engineering, and big data have been developed since. Even non-credit free online courses can count, though. They’ll add a nice resume boost to pursue a new job or promotion. They’ll help master new tools of the trade like XML, C++, Excel, and Javascript. They’ll bring test scores from the SAT to the TOEFL higher.
Free online courses could also provide continuing education hours. Many professional certifications require CEUs to renew the credential every few years. For example, registered nurses can fulfill their state’s 20-30 mandatory CEUs online. It’s much cheaper than affording CEU conference registration fees.
Are Free Online Courses Worth the Time?
Overall, MOOCs are definitely worth the effort. Sparing a few hours each week for free online courses can dramatically broaden your technical abilities. Collecting new useful knowledge to stand out always pays off. In 2017, the National Student Satisfaction Report found that 87 percent of online learners are satisfied with their learning. Three-fourths would re-enroll in their online course if they could. Free online courses are even better because there’s no payment required. There’s nothing to lose; there’s only information, skills, and confidence to gain.
Ready to give free online courses a try? Then, Online Course Report is here to help. Since 2013, our leading website has ranked the top free and paid MOOCs available. Our staff is constantly adding feature articles about new course subjects. We aim to cover every free online course subject, including economics, biomedical engineering, robotics, app development, investment banking, and operations research. Writing about high-quality online courses with great content and low or no prices is our mission. Start scrolling through our pages to locate free learning options.
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